Welcome to Trinity

11458 North Wauwatosa Road
Mequon, Wisconsin 53097

Trinity Congregation is bringing its 157 ministry
to a close. A Farewell Service and Fellowship Event
will take place on Sunday, September 8, 2024. The special service will begin at 10:00 a.m. with the event to follow.

Sunday Worship until September 8
8:30 a.m.

For more information about Trinity or the church cemetery

Gary Greisch at (414) 254-6325
Warren Seifert at (262) 278-1536

We believe in the Trinity: One God in Three Persons.

God the Father created us and provides for us day by day.
God the Son, Jesus Christ, saved us and forgives our sins.
God the Holy Spirit opens our minds to believe the truth about God.

The interlocking triangles symbolize the Three Persons of the Trinity.
The circle symbolizes the eternal perfection of God.

At a glance

About Trinity

Our Beliefs

We believe and teach that the Holy Bible is in every word the Word of God, the only authority for spiritual truth and the only reliable guide for living.

Read more about our beliefs here

Our Mission

We, the members of Trinity Lutheran Church, united by faith in Jesus and thankful for our traditions and friendships, have come together so that our faith may be strengthened by Word and Sacrament and that we may share the Savior’s love with people near and far.


Trinity Church, like so many Lutheran congregations, was founded as thousands of German immigrants
poured into Wisconsin after the Civil War. Poor but industrious farmers cleared the forests west of the
Milwaukee River and began to raise crops and cattle...

Learn More about Trinity
our services

Join us for Worship on Sunday!

We worship weekly on Sunday, visitors are welcome.

Covid-19 Protocol

Worship With Us

Our Sunday worship follows a worship pattern used in Christian churches for almost 1,500 years but in
contemporary language and a variety of styles.

Sunday Worship

  • 8:30 am
  • 11458 Wauwatosa Rd,
    Mequon, WI 53097
Learn More

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